Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (2024)

This comprehensive guide walks you through the rules for long-term renting in France. Learn about the various kinds of rentals and how to search for a place. Get familiar with the different renter’s fees and charges, and what to pay attention to before signing a lease.

In this article

  • Is renting more difficult in France?
  • Can you find a long-term rental from abroad?
  • What kind of place can you rent?
  • Can you have pets in a rental?
  • Where to look for a rental in France?
  • How to decrypt a French rental ad?
  • Most common abbreviations in French rental ads
  • French acronyms for renting in France
  • Renting chargees and fees
  • Use a guarantor company
  • Documents needed to rent a place in France
  • État des lieux
  • French rental lease
  • Renters protection
  • Home insurance for rentals in France
  • Housing tax
  • Moving out
  • Change of address

Disclosure: This site is sponsored by ads and affiliate programs. I may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post.

Let’s get started.

Is renting more difficult in France than in the United States?

An average American moves eleven times in his life whereas French move a little more than five times in their lifetime. Is it because finding a rental in France is not as easy as finding one in the United States? It took me half a day to find an apartment in Los Angeles when I moved over there a couple of decades ago. That was as simple as strolling around looking for “For Rent” signs and walk in to talk to the building manager.

Like anything else in France, moving takes time and paperwork. Plan ahead for the time it will take you to find a place and move in.Paris is certainly the most challenging place of all because of its high prices and little availability.

Can you find a long-term rental from abroad?

Finding a rental in France from abroad is nearly impossible. Most French agencies will not return your calls and the paperwork load is really heavy. I recommend that you book a furnished place with airbnb for your first weeks in France.

What kind of place can you rent in France?

Most rental properties in France belong to individuals rather than property management companies. Rental places in France do not offer indoors common areas. Do not expect amenities like a laundry room or a gym fitness center or a pool. Do not assume that because an apartment is located on the 5th floor, the building has an elevator (carrying your washing machine up five stairs is no fun, I can tell you). Some newer apartments have AC but this is still pretty unusual.

There are not many furnished places on the market unless you are looking for smaller places like student’s places (studio or T1). Be aware that the number of houses to rent is rather low as well. It might be because French people usually buy their home as soon as they can afford to (almost 60% of French own their place) so they can pass it down to their kids.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (1)

Renting a logement meublé (furnished apartment) in France

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (2)

By French law,a meublé (furnished apartment) should be at least 9m2 and allow the renter to sleep, eat and live comfortably. Here’s the pieces of furniture a landlord should provide:

  • bed and bedsheets
  • cooktop, oven or microwave
  • fridge with freezer
  • basic cookware and kitchen tools
  • table and chairs or stools
  • shelves
  • light fixtures
  • cleaning supplies necessary to clean the apartment (vacuum for carpet floors, broom..)

Renting a logement vide (unfurnished apartment) in France

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (3)

Contrary to what you might expect coming from the U.S., a logement vide (unfurnished apartment) might really be empty, meaning no fridge, no oven or cooktop. There is (surprisingly) no French law that regulates what an unfurnished apartment should provide. This can make a big difference in your budget, so carefully read the terms describing the kitchen space:

  • cuisine équipée – All the necessary kitchen cabinets and appliances like cooktop, fridge, oven, kitchen hood, dishwasher. This is obviously the ideal solution when you move from the U.S. as I am pretty sure you did not bring your fridge with you.
  • cuisine semi-équipée – Kitchen cabinets and some appliances like an oven and cooktop. It is possible that you have to bring your own fridge and dishwasher. Again, there is no law so make sure you ask the landlord what stays in the apartment versus what goes.
  • cuisine aménagée – Kitchen cabinets but no appliances. The good news is that you can pick your electric appliances and you can take them with you next time you move.

Renting a room in France

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (4)

If you are on your own and you don’t mind living with others, you can rent a room in a shared apartment in colocation. Colocation or coloc is mostly for students in France. You can sign one lease per renter or one lease for all renters. Check out the rules from the French government before renting in colocation.

Another option is to rent a chambre chez l’habitant (bedroom inside a home) or a chambre de bonne (former maid’s quarters).Chambre chez l’habitant means that you have your own bedroom and you share the common areas (kitchen, bathroom, restrooms) with the owner. Chambre de bonne is a room on the top floor of an old apartment building and you might have to share the restrooms (outside your chambre) with other tenants.

Can you have pets in a rental in France?

In France, a renter has a right to have pets in his rental place, as long as the pets do not become a nuisance. You do not have to inform your landlord and you are responsible for any damage your pet might cause. The only exception is for certain specific dog races (pitbulls, Rottweiler or Tosa) that are considered dangerous. In that case, the landlord can specify a clause in the lease agreement preventing the renter from having a dangerous dog in the rented property.

Where to look for a rental in France?

Online services for long-term renting in France

You cannot walk or drive around looking for “À louer” signs in France but you can search online. These 3 websites are the most popular for renting in France.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (6)
Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (7)
Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (8)

Le bon coin, Se loger and Logic-immo offer properties for sale and for rent. In the immobilier section, make sure you select locations (rentals) to get access to ads from real estate agencies and private owners. You can select to rent meublé (furnished) or non meublé (unfurnished). Once you find an ad you like, call and make an appointment to faire une visite (take a tour of the place).

You can also use Rent a place in France if you’d rather communicate in English. Rent a place in France offers long-term property rentals. Bookings are made directly with the owner and they do not charge commission.

Agence immobilière (Real estate agency)

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (9)

If you do not want to handle browsing through ads online, you can go directly to an agence immobilière. Tell them exactly what you want so they can select properties that meet your criteria. Using an agency is more costly because you have to pay frais d’agence. You also have to give agence immobilière proofs that you make enough money to afford the monthly rent. The paperwork load will certainly be heavier.

One big advantage of using an agency though is that any problem that arises during your rental will be taken care of professionally and promptly. You can also be certain that everything is done according to law and enjoy some well deserved peace of mind.

How to decrypt a French rental ad?

Check out this ad I found on Le bon coin. There is a lot of vocabulary to master to be able to understand an ad, so feel free to use my renting glossary for help.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (10)

Square footage

The square footage (surface) of a rental is always shown in square meters (m2) because France uses the metric system.

If you’re not familiar with the metric system, read French measurements to learn how to convert from metric units into U.S. metrics. You can also directly use the Square meters to square feet converter.

Type of apartment

An apartment can be described as T1 T2 T3 T4 or T5 where T stands for “type” (kind) and the following # indicates the number of rooms, not counting the kitchen, bathroom and restroom.

Some renting ads still use an old naming convention with an F for function instead of a T, while others simply list the number of pièces (rooms), again not counting kitchen, bathroom and restroom. Let’s take a look at the different types of apartments in France.

  • A studio is a one-room apartment with a kitchen area (often called kitchenette) located inside the main room. By law, minimal square footage is 9m2
  • A duplex is a two-story apartment with a staircase inside the apartment
  • A T1 or une pièce is a one-room apartment with separate kitchen and bathroom
  • A T2 or deux pièces is an apartment with one bedroom, one living-room, one kitchen and one bathroom
  • A T2 Bis is the same as a T2 but one of the room (living-room or bedroom) is big enough to be separated in two areas
  • A T3 or trois pièces is an apartment with one living-room and two bedrooms
  • A T3 Bis is the same as a T3 but one of the room (living-room or one of the bedrooms) is big enough to be separated in two areas
  • A T4or quatre pièces can either have one living-room and three bedrooms or one living-room, one dining-room and two bedrooms
  • A T5 or cinq pièces can either have one living-room and four bedrooms or one living-room, one dining-room and three bedrooms

Professionnel (professional) or particulier (individual)

Professionnel on the ad indicates that an agence immobilière (real estate agency) is handling the process of renting the place (for the owner). Particulier specifies that the owner is renting his place directly de particulier à particulier (without using an agency).

Charges incluses

Charges incluses means that charges locatives are included in the listed monthly rent (not water bills or energy bills). It can sometimes include heating charges when tenants share a common heating system.

Most common abbreviations in French rental ads

You will come across these abbreviations when scanning French rental ads.

appt – un appartement
asc – ascenseur
chb – chambre
un canapé BZ
sofa bed
chauff – chauffa*ge
disp – disponible
expo – exposition (N S E O)
rental orientation (North South East West)

French acronyms for renting in France

Learn these acronyms to understand what people are talking about when looking for a place.

CC – charges comprises
charges included
DPE – diagnostic de performance énergétique
energy performance diagnosis. A DPE is mandatory for all rentals. It’s part of a French rental lease agreement. DPE scores go from A to G with G being the worst score.
EDL – état des lieux
inventory and condition report
FAI – frais d’agence inclus
real estate agency fees included
GLI – Garantie des loyers impayés
owner’s insurance on rented properties
GES – gas à effet de serre
greenhouse gas emissions. GES class is part of the energy performance diagnosis (DPE)
RDC – rez-de-chaussée
first floor
SDB – salle de bain
TBE – très bon état
very good state
TTC – toutes charges comprises
all charges included
visites sur RDV – visites sur rendez-vous
showings on scheduled appointments only

Renting charges and fees

Being familiar with the different amounts you will have to pay upfront will help you plan ahead financially. On top of your rent, you might have to pay:

  • dépôt de garantie (security deposit)
  • charges locatives (rental charges for common areas)
  • frais d’agence (real estate agency fees)
Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (11)

Dépôt de garantie (Security deposit)

When renting in France, you have to pay a dépôt de garantie if you pay the rent monthly. Dépôt de garantie is paid once at the same time you sign your lease. Legally, dépôt de garantie cannot exceed your monthly rent for an unfurnished apartment (2-month rent for a furnished one). The exact amount of the dépôt de garantie has to figure on your lease. You will get this money back when you move out of the property.

When you pay your rent in advance for more than 2 months at a time, you cannot be asked to pay a dépôt de garantie.

Charges locatives (Rental charges for common areas)

Charges locatives or charges de copropriété are tenant’s fees that pertain to common areas like community heating or elevator charges. Most of the time, cold water is included in charges locatives. There are 2 ways to pay charges locatives:

  • provision avec régularisation annuelle: the owner charges you every month a fixed amount and then readjusts at the end of the year.
  • the owner charges you once a year with the exact amount you owe, based on what you actually used.

In some rentals, you do not have to pay charges locatives if there is no common area and no elevator. It is not unusual that tenants agree to take turn cleaning common areas as well.

Sometimes, charges locatives or charges de copropriété are listed explicitly on the ad like in the following one.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (12)

Frais d’agence (Real estate agency fees)

Frais d’agence are fees you pay directly to the agence immobilière. They cannot exceed a certain amount based on the square footage and the property location. Make sure you do not overpay by using the government’s simulator of maximum real estate agency fees. Frais d’agence can include fees for état des lieux, rental application and writing the lease. Frais d’agence are sometimes listed on the ad like in the following ad.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (13)

Charges privatives (Private charges)

Charges privatives are charges that have no link whatsoever with the landlord. They cover electricity, hot water, heating, internet. These fees are not included in the rent and they are your responsibility.

Caution (Guarantor) needed when renting in France

When an ad mentions garant exigé or caution exigée, it means that you need a guarantor. A guarantor has to put in writing that he will pay your rent in the event that you do not pay for whatever reason. If an agency rents the property, your guarantor has to show proofs of employment with a CDI (unlimited long-term employment contract).

Use a guarantor company

Finding a rental in France is complicated when you do not have a CDI or Contrat à Durée Indéterminée (unlimited long-term employment contract) in France. Most agencies and landlords do not take into account non French resources.

This is why many expats in France have to resort to using a guarantor. Guarantor companies are not free but these services are often life savers for expats looking for a rental. Garantme is a guarantor company that I recommend.

The guarantor company gets paid at the time you sign the lease and you need to renew every year.

Free guarantor

Visale is a public guarantor service from Action Logement that guarantees your rent when it is up to 1500€/month in Île de France and up to 1300€/month elsewhere.

To qualify for Visale, you have to be:

  • a student between 18 and 30 (no financial conditions)
  • an employee older than 30 under certain resource conditions.

Check if you qualify with Visale eligibility online test. Apply for Visale online before signing your lease.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (14)

Renting process

Documents needed to rent a place in France

Since finding a rental in France is challenging, your first step is to gather all the necessary supporting documents. To rent a house or an an apartment in France, you need to prepare a dossier with the following documents.

  • valid picture ID (justificatif d’identité) – passport, driver’s license or residence permit. A landlord is allowed to ask for a French translation.
  • proof of accommodation (justificatif de domicile)
  • proof of employment status (justificatif de situation professionnelle)
  • proof of financial resources (justificatif de ressources)

Landlords have a legal right to ask to take a look at the original document rather than a copy.

État des lieux

Once you found your apartment, you have to do état des lieux (inventory and condition report) and sign a lease. État des lieux is the process of writing down the state of the property when you start renting.

The landlord will use état des lieux when you move out to compare it with the state of the property at the time. Pay attention to details and mention any defect on the état des lieux. This will help you get your dépôt de garantie back when you move out.

Contrat de location or bail (Lease agreement)

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (15)

The minimum duration of the lease for an unfurnished apartment is 3 years and 1 year for a furnished one. A 3-year lease means that the landlord cannot ask you to move out before the end of the 3 years.

At the end of the lease, the landlord has to give you notice 6 months in advance (3 months for a furnished apartment) if he doesn’t want to renew the lease. During the duration of your lease, you can move out at any time, as long as you give your notice in advance (I explained the rules in Moving out). A landlord can only ask you to leave under very specific conditions. If you do not get any notice from your landlord, your lease agreement is automatically renewed.

The lease agreement specifies on what day the renter pays the rent. The lease agreement must contain a Dossier de Diagnostic Technique (DDT), a technical report of the rental. The DDT also contains a diagnostic de performance énergétique (DPE)which is the energy performance report of the apartment. The report should describe the general state of the electricity installation as well.

You should get the property keys right after you signed the lease and paid the first month rent. Once the keys have been handed over, the landlord has no right to enter the property without your consent.

Did you know?
Premier étage literally means first floor but it actually refers to the second floor we are used to in the United States. Let’s say you live in a three-story building. The first floor is “rez-de-chaussée” (or “rez-de-jardin” if there is a backyard). The second floor is “premier étage”. The top one is “deuxième étage”. No third floor!

How to pay your rent in France

A convenient way to pay your rent is to get a RIB from your landlord and do a monthly direct debit (check Open a French Bank Account As An American if you do not have a French bank account yet). You can also pay your rent by check or in cash if your rent is lower than €1,000.

Your landlord has no obligation to give you a quittance de loyer (rent receipt) unless you explicitly require one. Provide your quittance de loyer when you need a justificatif de domicile.

Renters protection

Renters’s rights in France are highly protected and it is pretty much impossible to kick someone out of a rental property. While it is great for renters, this is also the reason why property owners require more and more guarantees and finding a rental has become more and more difficult.

Since 2015, owners can subscribe to an insurance called GLI (garantie des loyers impayés) which guarantees the rents for owners of rented properties. When a landlord subscribes to GLI, the renter must prove his eligibility to rent the property. The renter must usually earns 3 times the property rent and must be employed on a CDI contract (unlimited long-term employment contract).

Unfortunately, these GLI conditions make it very challenging for Americans in France who are not on a CDI with a French company to rent a place. Your best bet in that situation is probably to rent from a private owner who has not subscribed to GLI.

Tenant’s responsibilities

Home insurance for rentals in France

By French law, as soon as you sign the lease agreement, you have to get an Assurance Habitation (home insurance policy). You can try asking your bank if they do provide Assurance habitation contracts as most banks in France do.

I also recommend using Les Furets, which is a reliable comparison site to purchase a home insurance.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (17)

Taxe d’habitation

Taxe d’habitation used to be a housing tax for the person living in a property on January First. Since January 2023, this tax has been abolished on primary residences (résidence principale). As long as you’re renting a place which is your primary residence, you don’t have to pay taxe d’habitation. This is true even if the place you’re renting is a second-home for your landlord.

Moving out

To move out, you have to give your préavis (notice) in writing by lettre recommandée (certified mail) or en main propre (handling it directly to your landlord). There is a 3-month delay for an unfurnished property unless you live in a “flux tendu” (high demand) area. In that case, you can give your notice one month prior leaving. You can check if your place is in a flux tendu area with the French government’s simulator. The delay for a furnished apartment is a 1-month notice.

Your notice must indicate the date of your move. Join a proof that you are in a flux tendu area if your préavis is shortened for that reason. Remember to notify your home insurance assurer when you move out.

Before moving out of a rental in France, you perform a last état des lieux with your landlord. Make sure you give your landlord your new address so he can send you your dépôt de garantie in the following month.

Change of address

When moving from a property to another one in France, you can use the French government’s online service Déclaration De Changement de Coordonnées to broadcast your new address to several institutions at once (CPAM, impôts, service de carte grise, EDF…). La Poste provides a paying service to forward your mail for 6 or 12 months.

Do it the French way!

It is pretty common for French people to ask their friends for help when they move instead of hiring professional movers. Once settled, do not forget to invite your friends and neighbors to pendre la crémaillère (throw a housewarming party)!

If you’re planning a move to France, read Shipping household goods to France.

Renting in France rules | Complete guide for expats in France (2024)


What documents do you need to rent in France? ›

Required documents for renting in France
  • French or foreign identity document (ID, passport)
  • Proof of address: in general, the last three rental payments or property tax notices.
  • Your residence permit.
  • Student card or education certificate.
  • Internship or employment contract if you have a student job.
Apr 11, 2024

Can a foreigner rent a house in France? ›

There are agencies who advertise properties for rent and there are ads in local papers, shop noticeboards etc. as per normal. However as a foreigner renting in France there are some hoops to jump through. Landlords usually require a lot of paperwork and guarantees before they take you on as a tenant.

What is the rent control system in France? ›

France. Rent regulations are determined in France based on the Rent Reference Index, which serves as the basis for what landlords can increase yearly rents by. In July 2022, France introduced a new cap on yearly rent increase of a maximum of 3.5% for one year.

Are utilities included in rent in France? ›

Often, if you are renting an apartment from a property management company, utilities like electricity or gas will be included in your monthly rent. However, that doesn't mean that you can use the utilities excessively. In fact, you may have to pay for any extra costs incurred.

What is the 30% rule in France? ›

For French residents : the 30% flat-rate levy (of which 12.8% for income tax and 17.2% in social levies) applies to investment income including dividends, interest and capital gains on the disposal of securities and shares. The 40% allowance on dividends and similar income does not apply.

What is proof of residency of the host in France? ›

proof of residence proving the host's status as tenant or owner (e.g. rent receipt, title of ownership, property tax notice…) a document proving the host's identity (identity card, passport, or residence permit if you are not a French/EU/EEA citizen) the passport number of the foreign visitor.

How can an American rent in France? ›

You will usually need to provide:
  1. Passport or valid ID.
  2. Proof of French residency status.
  3. Proof of earnings (typically three months' bank statements). ...
  4. References from previous landlords (if you rented in France before)

How long can I stay in France if I own a house? ›

Once you have bought your dream home in France If you would like to relocate to France or visit for longer than 90 days you will require a visa, which is easy to obtain once you are the owner of a French property. You may wish to apply for a Long stay visa valid for residence (VLS-TS).

How long can you live in France without residency? ›

They are now only able to stay in France for 90 out of every 180 days unless they apply for a temporary long-stay visa which lasts up to six months at a time or permanent residency. If they stay for longer without a visa, they could face a ban and expulsion from France and the rest of the EU.

What is the rent assistance in France? ›

In France, the government provides housing benefits that can partially cover your rent. The amount of aid someone qualifies for is determined by their income level, the cost of rent, and the area in which they are living.

How is rent calculated in France? ›

For example, if the referenced rent is €10 per square meter and your apartment is 50 square meters, the rent would be 10 x 50 = €500 per month. It's important to note that this calculation only covers the basic rent. It does not include additional charges or fees (often called “charges”).

What is the rent ceiling in France? ›

Rent indexation capped at 3.5%

To cap rent increases, the rent shield limits revisions made from the 3rd quarter of 2022 to the 2nd quarter of 2023 to the following percentages: 3.5% in mainland France ; 2% in Corsica ; 2.5% in the French overseas territories.

Do you pay tax on rental income in France? ›

Your rental income will be subject to both French income tax and social charges, so you need to keep both in mind. However, some distinctions depend on whether you are a resident or a non-resident, as well as the type of business regime your property falls under (furnished or unfurnished letting).

Do renters pay property tax in France? ›

Residence tax – taxe d'habitation

This tax is paid by the occupant, so if you rent out your property in France the tenant has to pay it. If your French property is your main residence you will have to pay it, however, this tax is gradually being phased out and will be abolished by 2023 so no one will have to pay it.

What bills do you pay in France? ›

Average monthly utility expenses in France

The typical utility bills you can expect to pay in France are for water, electricity, gas, and internet. Considering the current trend of increasing utility prices across Europe, it's recommended that you rent accommodation that already has utilities included in the rent.

Do I need proof of accommodation in France? ›

The proof of accommodation document is mandatory for persons being hosted by private individuals. When submitting your visa application, you must be in possession of the original document as it must be stamped by the consulate and be presented when you enter the country.

Do you need a French bank account to rent in Paris? ›

While you may prefer the familiarity of your bank in your home country, having a French bank account will truly make your life a lot simpler while you're living here. Many things in France require a French bank account, including: many landlords in Paris.

Do I need international drivers license to rent in France? ›

By law, an International Driving Permit (IDP) is not required for renting a car in France but providing one will definitely be beneficial for the renter. An IDP is necessary if the renter's driving license is not in the Roman alphabet (is in a language such as Arabic, Greek, Russian or Chinese).

What documents do I need for a carte de sejour in France? ›

Requirements for getting a French residence permit
  • A valid passport and a copy.
  • A VLS-TS visa or Carte de Séjour.
  • A birth certificate or marriage certificate, including your family's, if applicable.
  • 3 ICAO-standard photos.
  • Address proof in France, no older than 6 months.
  • Medical certificate issued by OFII.
Mar 11, 2024


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.